Not Again: Whacky Pope Insatiable for Condemnation
Given that he’s sick from God-knows-what (pardon the spun) and there’s probably going to be no way to cure it, I’d think the Pope would be a little more nice when he comments on human cloning, but he wants to condemn it. Admirable.
Unfortunately … oh, come on, you knew this was coming … unfortunately, when you go to Yahoo! or Google and do a search on “Pope” and “condemns”, sorting by date, you will find very little time has passed between each article. “I came to save the world not condemn it.” But that was Jesus. Not the Pople.
I admire that the Pope would use his voice to call an issue into ethical question. I do not admire that he uses the word “arrogant.” The church’s failure to recognize and ask forgiveness for its own sins somehow empowers them to flaunt its sizable girth in the condemnation business. Sad to see an entire religious organization doing that thing one of my crazy aunts used to do: keep blaming everybody else for something they did wrong so no one would notice her drinking problem.
Janet has reared her horrible breast issue to say it was a Bush rouse to take eyes off Iraq. Normally, you would think this woman is flattering herself, but since she single-breastedly did just that, well, hats off to Janet and her right nipple. All hail!
The Pope, though not physically well, was able to ram is foot entirely down his throat, from behind his head, no less, when he condemned "manipulating" human beings. Crash goes the glass wall in a shower of stones .... He further compared cloning to Nazi war experiments. Suddenly I understood why the Vatican was so recently vigilant in getting out a press release concerning the Catholic Church’s recognition of World War II crimes … so they can use it as a chastisement measuring tool. It’s so bad, it’s Nazi-bad.
I guess the great white church has finally learned something from the Republicans. Look at the bunny, look at the bunny. And I bet Janet feels pretty fucking used.
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