Good Jew graphic GOOD JEW
the Personal History of Henrik Altman As Told By Him

by Frank Blocker and Murray Scott Changar

Teenager Henrik Altman escaped from a concentration camp for the Warsaw ghetto and familiar faces. He found it burned and his people gone. What happens next is unthinkable: He purposely got himself caught so he would not be alone. "You couldn't be a good Jew and survive a thing like that," he says. In 1985, from his Midwestern American den, he's far enough away to tell his story—or so he thought.

  • drama
  • 3 roles: 2m, 1w
  • presented scene for University Settlement's Salon Series/Live Arts Collaboration, September
  • presented selected scenes for reception at AG Contemporary Art in Soho, NY
Running time: 75 minutes, no intermission


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