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Frank Blocker, Playwright

- Ovation Recommendation from the LA Stage Alliance for Southern Gothic Novel, 2013.
- Master Class Instructor: Characterization, Florida State College, Jacksonville, 2012.
- Honorary Guest Playwriting Judge for Mississippi Theatre Association Annual Conference, 2012.
- Manhattan Monologue Slam Champion (writer), 2012.
- Drama Desk Award, nomination for Solo Performance, Southern Gothic Novel 2009.
- Audience Award for Favorite Solo Performance, nomination from, Southern Gothic Novel, 2009.
- Invited to present Southern Gothic Novel at The Playwright's Project, Mount Kisco, NY; 2004 Midtown International Theatre Festival, NY; 2004 Columbus National Gay & Lesbian Theatre Festival.
- One-minute play 2≅1 was performed in the GI60 event by Brooklyn College and filmed for release on YouTube.
- Winner of 2007 Inner Voices Social Issues at the University of Illinois for Patient Number, also read for World AIDS Day, December 2009.
- Semi-finalist Next Generation Playwriting Contest, Reverie Productions, NY, Patient Number, 2004.
- Ten-minute play Kiss and Fade selected for the Short Attention Span Play Festival, Atlantis Playmakers, June 2004.
- Finalist at Tennessee Williams One-Act Play Festival, Waiting Room, 2003.
- Winner of Turner Entertainment Network's Short Story Competition for the (now defunct) network Turner South, "Swinging with Great Aunt Silva," 1999.
- Invited to playwright's festival "Six from the Rainbow" showcasing Atlanta playwrights at Actors' Express theatre company, Waiting Room, 1997.
- Productions of his plays have taken place throughout the United States, Off-Broadway, Off-Off Broadway, and his monologues are regularly performed.