Ode to Matt Drudge
Though our hero, Mr. Drudge, conserves,
He is voice to the sovereign,
I'm the guy making history
My nemesis, once a lieutenant,
I shall be an edict of my people
Across the world, bombs fly through countries not at war
The above, from the point of view of the "guy making history," is a collection of misquoted and warped Drudge Report headlines for the day.
The truth steps to light, his headlines show
The emporer naked, cause and effect, what hatred can bestow.
He speaks as one with the maker of our ways
And this is what he has to say, though I doubt he’ll recognize:
My wife the Queen of Clubs
Our reign as one has made us closer, she speaks what is fair
Suffers my arrows, though battles I know not
For this reason, I shall forgo my visit to the Great Ruins lest peasants revolt.
Though they shall cry at the gates of my crowning
Plots, threats, destruction and police do not discourage wrath
Tropical storms breach this coast
A patriot, a hero, strikes out at me, his king, I am invincible because I say
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